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Acortiz precio ! And so forth. In fact, there's a whole tradition of telling tales told by people dying of "the Spanish flu," a story that is usually not told in detail and which any event should be passed on to your children at the earliest opportunity. In fact, there are probably few more important things to remember than the name of every person who died from a disease the world over between 1481-1939. And yet despite this we do a great disservice our the story itself. The story's main villain may indeed have been Spanish Flu. But the main villain of story was something else and a thing even worse, plague of ignorance in the late fifteenth century that spread like a dark cloud over the entire world: belief in existence and power of devils. There was, of course, no Devil. There were just ignorant, irrational, superstitious beliefs about a demonic world. And there were those who tried to exploit this ignorance, which is precisely what Charles Sprenger was after. Sprenger's story, which appeared in 1608, concerned one of the most terrifying episodes medieval medicine. Sprenger begins in the middle of night. His victim is a peasant woman of around thirty, his wife not sleeping. After he makes an incision for the removal of her womb, he finds